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Seoul - The City of Blinding Lights

This should be a fitting place for me to list out all the amazing things about Seoul, like its perfect water purification system (yes, it’s amazing), seeing people in love everywhere, the nights that never end, the singing, dancing, shouting, the being together, the incredible way brick walls and old wood smell after the rain, the secret hiding places that are a writer’s haven. Yes, all these are nice and fluffy and it makes my heart melt in sunshine and rainbow, but all of them, every single one, scales down only to those indescribable somethings, such as the strange sentiment you get looking out the bus window at a familiar world changing, the little joy of getting lost and making accidental discovery, the walking alone and still feeling fulfilled and not lonely with so many people around that actually would move you in just about any other places on Earth but there in Seoul, they are, somehow, in some way, special. Then you realize, maybe sometimes, the people aren’t always the ones that matter, maybe the place could be, for just once, and when it is, it makes sure you would remember. And I will, for the life of me, always remember what Seoul means to me - my first city of blinding lights.

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